Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, F.&A.M. hosts area Freemasons, family members, and prospective members for an annual Burns Night. The night is meant to celebrate Brother Robert Burns with Scottish food, regalia, music and poetry.
View Photos of the 2022 Burns Night
Every year on or near December 27th (the Feast Day of St. John the Evangelist) the Lodges of the Terre Haute Masonic Temple host the annual Feast of St. John the Evangelist. The event is a tyled Table Lodge meeting and open to all Vigo County Freemasons, and includes a speaker, dinner, and traditional toasts.
Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, F.&A.M. annually puts on a Christmas party for members and families. Santa even stopped by to visit the kids and collect their wish lists, if they haven't been naughty.
On two occasions Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, F.&A.M. has organized and participated in cleaning the headstones of the Veterans Circle in Terre Haute's Highland Lawn Cemetery. Various community organizations participated and/or donated materials on funds to purchase the U.S. Department of Vetrans Affairs authorized cleaning agents and materials.
Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, F.&A.M. celebrated the Bicentennial of the chartering of the Lodge (September 13, 1821) with a rededication ceremony by the Grand Lodge of Indiana, historical exhibit, tours of the Terre Haute Masonic Temple, and banquet. See the Bicentennial page for more information and photos.
Visit Grand Lodge of Indiana Photo Gallery
The members and officers of Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, F.&A.M. were joined by the officers of the Grand Lodge of Indiana to dedicate a memorial stone to the first Master of the Lodge, Peter B. Allen.
Visit the Grand Lodge of Indiana Photo Gallery.
Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, F.&A.M. participated, with other community organizations, in the 2015 Miracle on 7th Street tree decorating contest. When the event was over the decorated Christmas tree was donated to a local family in need.
Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, F.&A.M. hosted a Merit Badge clinic for area Boy Scouts. With the help of local volunteers and members of the Lodge, the Scouts were offered Merit Badges in Architecture, and Citizenship.
In October of 2015, Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, F.&A.M. participated in multiple community Trunk-or-Treat events for Terre Haute & Vigo County Children.
Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, F.&A.M. helped raise funds for Wabash Valley Habitat for Humanity to build the 65th and 66th house in the Wabash Valley by participating in their Chair-ity Fundraiser. The Lodge, Led by Matt Lowe created a beautiful, Masonically Inspired rocking chair for auction.
To help raise funds for Arts Illiana, Terre Haute Lodge No. 19 participated in the Tablescapes event by decorating and hosting a table. The table was decorated with a variety of Masonic Symbols and displaying the history of Terre Haute No. 19.